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  • amber8491

Let's talk about Women's Empowerment....

Let me start by saying, I LOVE this movement, I love watching women take on the world and shatter the glass ceiling and break boundaries and be all around bad ass. I love watching women have it all. I love it, with all my heart.

Here’s when I say, however. We are in a whole new zone of pushing women to the max. Of doing all the things listed above, and while it is amazing to watch and be apart of, it is also exhausting.

We are encouraging self-love and care and rest now more than ever and knowing we need that time to recoup so that we can take on the world. Another great thing happening.

Here is a question to ask yourself in this time. Are you supporting women in all aspects of what and who THEY want to be? Especially if you are working with women or girls, are you supporting who they want to be, or are you only pushing the narrative that they have to fit in this mold of taking on the world?

Are you encouraging them to play or just work? Are you encouraging them to be who they want? Are you encouraging these women to take a break, to really dig in to who they want to be and what they want to do? Are you pushing them to not only live life to their fullest potential but to also seek therapy to heal what they did not even know needed healing? Are you also allowing them to explore avenues that may not be perfect for you, but could be for them?

Are you fu

lly supporting the woman who is completely fulfilled being a wife and stay at home mom? Or a wife? Or volunteering her time because she already has the money and does not need to work? Are you supporting the woman who loves her job working for someone else in the corporate world? Are you supporting the woman is just fine where she is and not pushing for a promotion or to run/own the place? Are you supporting the woman who is looking for a part time job working for someone else so that she can earn some extra cash and not take that job home with her?

Or are you only supporting women or girls who want what you want? Are you only supporting them by means of helping them get a business off the ground, or getting the promotion or working harder?

With women’s empowerment and a feminist movement, it truly means that women can take over the world, but in the ways they want that are best for them, not what fits some sort of new mold. We get to support the woman who wants to be a CEO and own her own company just as much as we support the woman who is a wife and wants nothing more than to stay at home with her baby and focus only on that – not on a job. We get to support the woman who wants a simple job to pay the bills and not take any sort of work home with her, to forget that job the second she walks out the door of the building. We get to support the woman who loves her job and enjoys it but is happy where it is. We also get to support the women who want to shatter the glass ceilings and make a name for herself.

It doesn’t just start and end with where you are or where you want to be. Even if you do not understand where another woman is or wants to be, in this movement it is still your job to support her like you would any other woman.

Like I said, I love this movement, I love watching women do what makes them happy and whole. I love watching women climb ladders and get accolades and raise incredible humans. I love all of it. But I feel like mostly, we think of this movement as women running their own businesses and working their way to the top, when that is not the case for everyone. And I feel like this kind of thinking is leading to women who do want to be moms are being left behind, and becoming even lonelier than before – because they don’t fit the mold or have a group of women supporting them wholly and encouraging them to be the best in that field.

In this movement, we cannot leave anyone behind, everyone and I mean everyone gets a seat at the table, and if you are not allowing that, it is time for you to take a look at who you are supporting and who you are leaving out and if what you are doing is truly helping the women’s empowerment movement. Because, by no fault of your own, you could be hindering it.

We are always improving, and this is one space we could improve. Let’s continue empowering women, to do what THEY want and need in their lives and what makes them truly happy, regardless of how we feel about it. Now that…that is truly empowering.

Love to you!

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