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Four books and counting! Wha?! How did that happen??

The Expedition is all about self-love and how to accomplish it in your life.  It is a twelve step based approach and really digs in.  Get ready to do some work! 

The Expedition Companion Workbook is to accompany The Expedition and help you push toward those goals with real time goal setting and reflection. 

Breaking the Silence is the most honest (and scary) work I have done.  It is all about the journey of being married to an alcoholic from my point of view, what I did wrong, what I learned and how we have moved forward to create a safe space together. And to show others that a marriage can work and become even better in the toughest of circumstances. 

Myths of Self-Love is all about breaking down the myths that surround self-love and how to block out the negativity and other people's thoughts of the movement to get back to you. 


I have led multiple twelve step Expedition groups to form stronger bonds with self-love and with one another in that process. 

I lead a group focusing on self-love for Fearless Kind, a residential treatment facility for women seeking recovery from addiction, trauma and co-occurring mental health disorders. 

I also coach women one-on-one who are struggling with self-love to get to a place of living their authentic lives and loving themselves.


Coaching in any form, whether in a group, or one-on-one, is a huge key to keep accountability and motivation in focusing on your goals.  My focus is self-love and my passion is for all women to experience true love for themselves and experience a world full of everything they could imagine. 

For more information on my coaching, please click on the photo to the left and let's connect! 

Self-Love Coach


My very first speaking event was at The Be Inspired Event in Columbus, Ohio.  I was finally able to stand on a stage and share my truth and what came from that was an inspiration and connection like I had never known with other women.  It inspired me to be more compassionate, more of a friend, and my third book. 

I am passionate about sharing my story as the wife of an alcoholic, so that other women know they are not alone.  I enjoy speaking on that subject, self-love, writing, success in business and finances (another huge passion of mine!).   It brings me so much joy to give women another perspective or idea and spark a passion in them along the way. 

If you would like me to speak at YOUR event, please click my photo to the right and let's discuss it more and see if I am what you are looking for! 


Coming soon! 



YASSSS! Audio is where it's at, and I plan to always be where it's at. 

I am working on my own books on audio, so if you prefer that media, they are COMING SOON! 

BUT, first, I am working on an audio project for the incredible Carlie Yates and being the voice of her entrancing series Entangled.  To purchase the paper or kindle versions, please click the image below.  You will be blown away! I cannot wait to get the audio versions out in to the world. 

carlie yates.jpg
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